Health and Medical Information for Egypt
Travel tips for your trip to Egypt Hotel Maps Famous Places in Egypt helps you to make your trip to Egypt in the holiday a Splendid One
Public hospitals are open to tourists. The standard of care is good in Cairo and Alexandria but is of varying standard in other parts of the country. Health care provision and standards of hygiene is lacking in remote rural areas, particularly in the Western Desert oases. Health insurance is strongly advised.
Food and drink:
Use only bottled water for drinking and, to be on the safe side, when brushing teeth. When buying bottled water, check the seal of the bottle is intact. Avoid unbottled beverages and ice except in top hotels and restaurants. Milk is unpasteurised and should be boiled. Avoid uncooked vegetables and peeled fruit that may have been washed in tap water.
Other risks:
Immunisation against polio is advised because of the persistence of polio in Egypt. Precautions against hepatitis E should be considered. Immunisation against hepatitis B and tuberculosis is sometimes advised. Bilharzia (schistosomiasis) is present in the Nile Delta and the Nile Valley; avoid swimming and wading in fresh water.